Asma Lmnawar - Hakawa

We filmed Asma Lmnawar’s ‘Hakawa’ music video in Casablanca, capturing the city’s vibrant charm and energy. Small street crowds danced to the rhythm, infusing the video with soulful emotions and contemporary spirit.

We handled location scouting, management, and secured film permit services in Morocco . Our team curated a talented cast of dancers and extras, ensuring a seamless and captivating production for ‘Hakawa’.

We handled location scouting, management, and secured film permit services in Morocco . Our team curated a talented cast of dancers and extras, ensuring a seamless and captivating production for ‘Hakawa’.


Client: Asma Lmnawar
Directed by: Mohamed Fekrane
Production: Ozz Films
Services: line producer, production manager, location scouting, fixer, executing production, production management, film permit, casting
Locations: Casablanca

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